10 Times WWE Failed To Create Main Event Players

4. Jack Swagger (2010)

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

It's not hard to see why Jim Ross and other WWE chiefs were so enamoured with Jack Swagger when they headhunted him then signed him to a deal in 2006. Boasting size, a chiselled jawline and amateur wrestling accolades, Swagger seemed like a star of the future. He, much like most others on this list, had his limitations.

Promos, mainly.

Admittedly, WWE made matters harder for Swagger when they booked him to cash in MITB 24 hours after winning the thing at WrestleMania XXVI. That left Jack looking like a transitional champ who'd only beaten Chris Jericho because he had the element of surprise. That may have been fine for an opportunistic heel like Edge, but it didn't suit Swags.

His character relied on the notion that he dominated because of physical attributes and a will to win. By stripping those away, booking shock as the only reason for his success and then forcibly adding gimmicks ('Swagger's Soaring Eagle'), his main event aspirations and brief title reign were doomed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.