10 Times WWE Forced It Down Our Throats

6. Lex Luger


Lex Luger debuted in WWE as The Narcissist, a heel who liked to admire his own reflection when he wasn't knocking people out with the steel plate in his forearm. Luger was one of several who had made the trip from WCW and been given a zany character to play - we were still in the period of cartoony gimmicks - but WWE decided to repackage Luger as an All-American hero following the departure of Hulk Hogan in mid-1993. Luger ditched his spaceman-silver Narcissist attire, took stars and stripes for his ring gear, and came out to a generic yet patriotic-sounding entrance theme, the sort one might hear at an awards ceremony at a particularly flag-waving US high school. Then, there was the tour bus, or 'Lex Express', as it was known, which Luger apparently rode up and down the country campaigning (yes, campaigning) for a WWE title opportunity. So much for a guy getting over with the fans and the fans being the ones that clamour for the title shot, apparently.

WWE believed that simply slapping the good old US-of-A all over a guy with an 'extraordinary physique!' (thanks Vince, what-a-manoeuvre, etc) would produce their next Hogan. Granted, having Luger bodyslam Yokozuna, the WWE Champion, was impressive, but doing it on the deck of the USS Intrepid was probably trying a bit too hard. In any case, Lex got his shot at Yoko at Summerslam '93, entering the arena to 'unbelievable applause!' (yep, Vince again) once the Macho Man had brought some dude out to sing The Star Spangled Banner.

Despite McMahon's enthusiasm on commentary, the penny had begun to drop that this wasn't going to work. Yoko was counted out after a running forearm from Luger, who won the match, but not the title. Cue a slightly nauseating in-ring celebration, complete with ticker tape, Savage, and for some reason, The Steiners and Tatanka. In the end, Luger co-won the Rumble with Bret Hart, with both men receiving title shots at Wrestlemania X. Luger was disqualified against Yokozuna, and the Hitman, mercifully, left 'Mania as champion.


As a long-time WWE fan, I have always enjoyed watching men pretend to beat each other up while wearing spandex. Extra points for facepaint, none for tassels. I love all things sci-fi. If there's a 'Star' somewhere in the title, I'll probably dig it. I'm a huge football fan too. For my sins, I support Manchester United.