10 Times WWE Gave Fans False Hope

10. Teasing Returns That Never Happen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5I6Un_9eeU Oh, WWE. You cruel, cruel thing you. It doesn't happen too often but ever now and again but WWE has been known to tease the return of a fan favourite despite knowing full well that that wrestler isn't there. The two most famous instances of this happened during the summer of 2005, when WWE was apparently on a mission to annoy their own fans. The first instance was during the Edge and Lita wedding ceremony from the June 20th Raw. As the vicar asked if anyone had reason why Edge and Lita should not be married, Matt Hardy's music hit to a deafening ovation. Matt had went through a very real heartbreak with Lita due to her affair with Edge and most assumed that this was him making his big return. It wasn't. WWE fooled the fans and used the stunt to put even more heat on Edge and Lita. Edge and Lita burst out laughing with the Rated-R Superstar saying 'sorry, I just couldn't resist'. Matt would return a few weeks later for a programme with Edge but it was unfair for WWE to pull this on the fans. The next instance, however, was even more cruel than this. Shawn Michaels was enjoying a mini run as a heel as he prepared for a showdown with Hulk Hogan at SummerSlam. HBK was excellent in the role and, when WWE visited Montreal six days before the pay-per-view, the heat was off the charts. Shawn ran down Bret when, all of a sudden, The Hitman's music hit and the roof just about blew off the arena. Michaels feigned shock and terror before cracking up. He'd got the fans alright. They were hoping that Bret was going to be making his first WWE appearance in eight years. Instead, they looked like fools. Bret did return to WWE in 2010. We wonder if Bret brought up this little episode with Vince and co?

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...