10 Times WWE Gave Fans False Hope

9. The Nexus

WWE's initial season of NXT in 2010 was a unique experiment. It's hard to believe that nearly five years have passed since it graced television screens. The NXT we know and love today is a lot different than it was in 2010. NXT was essentially a Tough Enough style reality show that partnered prospective talents (developmental workers) with WWE Pros. The wrestler who impressed the most would win a WWE contract. Wade Barrett won the competition but the rest of the competitors wouldn't have to wait long before making it to WWE. The group debuted on the June 7th Raw, attacking CM Punk and John Cena following their main event match and destroyed the ring and ringside area. It was an impactful, exciting angle. Amongst the chaos was Daniel Bryan choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his tie, an act he was fired for. The Nexus established themselves as a force to be reckoned with by continuing to attack WWE figures (such as Ricky Steamboat) and were heading towards a showdown with Team WWE at SummerSlam. Most fans figured that team Nexus would beat team WWE to set up a programme where the WWE wrestlers could seek revenge against members of the group but it was not to be. John Cena easily pinned Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett at SummerSlam, despite absorbing a DDT on the concrete floor (which really should have put him out for a while). It was a disgusting taste of ego and showed how little foresight WWE had. Fans wanted something fresh and new, as they invariably do, and the Nexus stable was just that. They had hope in the Nexus angle, hope that was regrettably misplaced.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...