10 Times WWE Got The Royal Rumble Main Event Wrong

6. Royal Rumble 2016

Alberto Del Rio Royal Rumble

Because of his close association with the McMahon family, Triple H takes a lot of undeserved flak. He merited his spot as the winner of the 2002 Royal Rumble, for instance, and though his subsequent Monday Night Raw reign of terror wasn't to everyone's taste, he was undeniably one of the company's top guys.

When it comes to his triumph in the 2016 Rumble, however, it's hard to put up much of a defence. He was 46 at the time, as old a winner we had seen since his future father-in-law chucked out Stone Cold in '99, and his ability to put on great matches was by then greatly diminished.

While this decision was obviously taken in order to help reignite some of the fan support for Roman Reigns, there were surely other, younger heels who could have fulfilled the same purpose - among them Bray Wyatt and Kevin Owens.

The worst part is they clearly didn't have complete faith that any of that would work - hence why Dean Ambrose ended up finishing runner-up instead of Roman.

That ensured The Game would at least actually be booed a little when he became the last man in the ring.
