10 Times WWE Nepotism CRUSHED Hot Angles

6. Grand Master Sexay Gets Crickets

Stephanie McMahon ECW

Say what you will about heel Michael Cole goading Jerry Lawler for months, but it did make for some good TV at times. No, they didn’t need the ridiculous amount of time they got at WrestleMania XXVII, but both tried their best with the feud outside the ring.

One of Jerry's family members actually provided the worst of it.

WWE wheeled out Brian Christopher on the 14 March 2011 Raw, and it proved to be a huge mistake. This was obviously an attempt to toss something quick Brian's way, but he wasn't over and nobody in the live crowd cared about anything he had to say. So, the entire segment played before a quite-embarrassing silence.

This was meant to be a real turning point in the rivalry too, which only made things worse. Lawler was supposed to hate Cole for rallying his own family against him, but WWE wanted to forget about Grand Master Sexay's less-than-Too Cool cameo ASAP.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.