10 Times WWE Nepotism CRUSHED Hot Angles

2. Shane Must Look Hard As Nails

Stephanie McMahon ECW

Countless wrestlers big and small over the years have cowered in fear in the presence of The Undertaker. That aura never faded whether 'Taker an undead mortician, a supernatural force, a physical manifestation of the devil himself, a tobacco-chewing biker or a retro-tastic 'Phenom'.

Enter hard man Shane-O-Mac.

Shane was at his best as a cowardly heel who nonetheless took wild risks when backed into a corner. He certainly didn’t work as someone who’d happily go nose-to-nose with a character like The Undertaker. So, fans screwed up their faces when McMahon vowed to kick the legend's arse inside Hell In A Cell heading into WrestleMania 32.

This was all part of a storyline bid to control Raw, but it was hard to get behind due to Shane's 'I'm really, really tough. No, honest!' approach. Why in the name of big bumps was he even squaring up to 'Taker on TV at all?!

More nepotism.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.