10 Times WWE Put Its Talent In Impossible Positions

9. Fake Razor And Fake Diesel

Edge Randy Orton Backlash

How ever were Rick Bognar and Glenn Jacobs ever meant to succeed with the horsesh*t WWF management gave them back in 1996?!

With both men looking for their big breaks in the business - Bognar having worked as Big Titan in Japan for FMW, Jacobs trying to get rid of the stench of Isaac Yankem, DDS - they accepted WWF's proposition of taking on the Razor Ramon and Diesel gimmicks after Scott Hall and Kevin Nash had departed for WCW earlier that summer.

This was all done as an F-U to Hall, Nash and WCW, and also done to get Jim Ross over as a heel. The thing is, fans instantly mocked the faux Razor and Diesel, while nobody was interested in seeing the beloved JR painted as a villain.

All of this would last barely three months, before Bognar and Jacobs were quietly shipped off to the USWA.

While the fake Diesel would manage to somehow overcome the odds and carve a Hall of Fame career for himself once he stopped being Big Daddy Cool lite, the clear caveat here is that Jacobs had to do it under a mask as Kane.

Given the intense secrecy and mystery that was placed around the Kane gimmick, the vast majority of wrestling fans spent years with zero idea that the man under the intimidating black and red mask was actually the one and the same fella who was embarrassingly tasked with mimicking Kevin Nash.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.