10 Times WWE Ruined Something They Didn't Create

2. Diamond Dallas Page


Working his butt off and successfully transitioning from loudmouth manager to main event wrestler, a motivated DDP achieved his dream and became one of WCW's best-loved stars in the late-90s. In the spring of 1999, he delighted fans by bagging his first World Title. A few years later, he was dead in the water upon finally reaching the WWF.

Agreeing to take a financial hit and tear up his guaranteed contract with AOL/Time Warner, Page accepted less money so he could be part of the 'Invasion' angle in the WWF. He'd come to regret that decision though, because the former 'People's Champion' was turned into a weird stalker who wanted The Undertaker to 'make him famous'.

Gone was the super-cool connection with fans DDP had worked hard to create, replaced by a character neither WCW or WWF fans wanted to see him play. The Diamond Dallas Page brand which had been so key to WCW's rise was flushed down the toilet when the man accepted such an awful gimmick.

Just watch his WCW run instead, and avoid the WWF years as best you can.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.