10 Times WWE Ruined Something They Didn't Create

9. Raven

Raven Pose

When not even WCW could mess up (and ultimately misunderstand) the Raven character as badly as WWE did, you know there's a problem. Scott Levy must have rightly said '...but what about Raven?' out loud several times during his second stint with the company, because he was woefully overlooked in favour of others despite his deep character.

Created for an ECW audience who enjoyed such multi-layered backstories, the Raven guise also worked in WCW for a spell. Sure, Raven was never going to crack a main event scene packed with guys like Hogan, Flair, and Nash, but he did have a place on the card. In WWE, that place appeared to be at the bottom of the pile.

As if casting the guy as some kind of jobber to the stars wasn't bad enough, WWE seemed to think the best way to exhibit Raven's psychologically damaged, borderline nihilistic personality was by putting him in a Hardcore division more accustomed to delivering comedy.

Aside from that, Raven was never given a fair shake to show what he could do.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.