10 Times WWE Stopped Promoting Its Own Products


One of Vince McMahon's failed experiment was the Integrated Conditioning Program (ICO-PRO). In 1990, the chairman wanted in on bodybuilding's popularity, as seen with the International Federation of BodyBuilding. By the next year, the World Bodybuilding Federation was launched, and along with it came a line of bodybuilding supplements.

Both the WBF and ICO-PRO had their own inherent issues preventing them from ever taking off. Vinnie promised fans WBF would stay true to the sport, but right from the start, the BodyStars had character backgrounds much like performers in WWE. On the other hand, ICO-PRO was a bit too complicated to succeed. It required users to take the supplements numerous times each day, and it tasted like horsesnot.

Regardless, the 'Genetic Jackhammer' had a product to sell, and sell he sure tried.

Even after the WBF collapsed, he continued promoting the supplements on Raw and Superstars with banners seen during almost every episode. When ICO-PRO finally died out though, all references to the product line suddenly vanished. The last time WWE mentioned it was during the nostalgic 25th Anniversary of Monday Night Raw. According to Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard, WWE didn't lose money, but it certainly didn't profit either.

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