10 Times WWE Threw Their Champion Under The Bus

7. Vince McMahon Beats Triple H For The WWE Title (SmackDown 1999)

Given Triple H's status over the years in WWE, it's perhaps a little easy to forget that he was once the hot, rising heel, competing with the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock for his place at the top of the food chain. Of course, the creative powers at the time decided that the best thing to do with the current WWE Champion was to have the owner of the company, one Vincent Kennedy McMahon, defeat him for the title. Triple H had called Vince out, insulting him and making suggestive comments about his wife, Linda. Vince eventually took the bait, much to the horror of his son, Shane, who had expected to guest referee a match, but thought it might be The Rock involved, or perhaps Mankind. One vicious beat down later at the hands of The Game, and Vince was bleeding like a stuck pig. Then, the glass shattered, and out came Austin. A stunner to Chyna was followed by a stunner to Triple H. Vince was saved. Then, Stone Cold dragged his long-time foe's body over that of The Game for the cover. Shane counted the pinfall, and that was it - Vince was champ in his own promotion, and Triple H was left looking like a chump. The whole charade led to Vince vacating the title, and Triple H winning it back not long after in a six-pack challenge, leaving us pointlessly, inexplicably, all the way back at square one.
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As a long-time WWE fan, I have always enjoyed watching men pretend to beat each other up while wearing spandex. Extra points for facepaint, none for tassels. I love all things sci-fi. If there's a 'Star' somewhere in the title, I'll probably dig it. I'm a huge football fan too. For my sins, I support Manchester United.