10 Times WWE Totally BOTCHED WrestleMania

9. Not Letting The Deadman Rest In Peace (WrestleMania 33)

Hulk Hogan WrestleMania IX Black Eye

...yeah, about that.

It was evident on the Road to WrestleMania 33 that The Deadman wasn't anywhere close to his 'Mania 23-XXX best, with a dodgy hip largely slowing down The Undertaker heading into the event.

That, and the fact he was tasked with trying to help get over a Big Dog who had spent yet another year being generally booed out of just about every arena he strutted into, made the concept of another Show of Shows classic to add to his illustrious collection seem depressingly unlikely from the get-go.

But WWE were still happy to unleash The Phenom one last time in what genuinely looked like his last hurrah, and the end results were as painful to watch as they must've been to produce.

'Taker struggled throughout, even with Reigns doing much of the literal and physical heavy lifting. Despite the eventual Tribal Chief requesting to lose to the icon "out of respect", though, the poorly received call was made for Roman to conquer 'Taker and you'll never guess what happened next...

And it was this wholly botched retirement ceremony that pretty much kickstarted Mark Calaway's three-year mission to go out on the high he felt he still could.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...