10 Times WWE Totally BOTCHED WrestleMania

8. Hulkamania Foolishly Runs Wild (WrestleMania IX)

Hulk Hogan WrestleMania IX Black Eye

Speaking of ending the night with one of the most jarring visuals possible, has there ever been a more disappointing Show of Shows conclusion than the one that brought an end to the Caesars Palace debacle that was WrestleMania IX?

After shockingly overcoming the babyface hero Bret Hart in the main event for the WWE Championship, Yokozuna raised his newly won belt up high. And had that visual closed out this particular Showcase of the Immortals, it would've at least felt like the beginning of a bold new chapter for the company going forward.

Only, instead of giving the titanic heel his villainous moment, though, WWE lazily reverted back to HulkaMania on the Grandest Stage.

Hogan had already issued a challenge to the winner of the World title clash earlier in the night, but no one honestly expected that follow-up match to go down on the very same evening just moments after The Hitman was bested by a handful of Mr. Fuji's salt.

But it did, and Hogan only went and won the bloody thing in eight seconds flat, too. Then, rather than returning the favour to Hart later down the road, The Hulkster simply refused and rendered the entire disaster pointless by dropping the title back to Yokozuna at King of the Ring 1993.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...