10 Times WWE Tried (And Failed) To Be Edgy

8. Val Gets His Venis Sliced

The Undertaker Tommy Dreamer

Google "John and Lorena Bobbitt" for grim tales about everything from cutting off penises whilst someone sleeps to assault and sexual assault allegations. It's not funny, obviously, so trust pro wrestling to try and make light of a situation just because it was making news across the globe in the 1990s.

John and Lorena's incident happened in 1993. Five years later, following John's detour into pornography, the WWF had their very own porn star collide with some genitalia detachment of his own. Or, at least, that's what was erm...implied when Kaientai boss Wally Yamaguchi yelled, "I choppy choppy your pee pee" on Raw in '98.

Then, the guy brandished a sword and apparently chopped said "pee pee" clean off.

It's actually a minor miracle that Vince Russo didn't elect to stick a fake penis on a pole and have Venis wrestle Taka Michinoku for possession of it. Praise the wrestling Gods for leaving that one on the cutting room floor.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.