10 Times WWE Tried (And Failed) To Be Edgy
9. Raw Underground = Fight Club

WWE tried another approach in 2020.
Imagine over-the-top commentator Shane McMahon of 1999 Sunday Night Heat fame had started narrating worked MMA fights. That's what Raw Underground was, but it was also a clear tribute to Fight Club; the first rule of Raw Underground is that nobody watches Raw Underground.
This was something different for the show back then, sure, but it was also a poor replacement for proper character development, compelling storylines or anything else fans wanted when they tuned into the flagship. Worse, Shane turned everything comedic by constantly yelling things like, "BAM!" when a punch landed.
It was like he'd watched some old John Madden footage and thought his soundbites would fit a gritty underground fighting ring, which is a weird thought. WWE cancelled Underground pretty quickly, and everybody moved on from the experiment like it had never happened at all.
Get used to reading sentences like that, by the way.