10 Times WWE Tried To Be Edgy (And Failed Miserably)

8. Phil Brooks Talking To Paul Levesque

At the height of WWE's Summer of Punk, Triple H arrived like a wet blanket to cool WWE's red hot antihero, CM Punk. They don't call him "The Game" for nothing.

With Punk riding a wave of popularity following his legendary pipebomb, fans expected a clear path for him up the WWE mountain. Calling himself "the voice of the voiceless," Punk's promos resonated because they blurred fact and fiction, channeling his own frustrations as well as those of the WWE Universe.

When Triple H wanted a piece of the action, he and Punk played off their real-life tension. Punk felt perennially held back by Triple H, who in turn mocked him through obscure fitness terminology. Sick burn, though, Trips. We're pretty sure somebody in the back knew what skinny fat meant.

It was a feud laden with more cheese than a fondue pot, yet the most cringe-worthy moment came when, to demonstrate his hostility towards Triple H, Punk invoked their real names, declaring, "this is Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque." Monday Night Raw, are we right?

In fact, it was so raw Punk's microphone was cut - twice. Even Triple H feigned outrage, demanding answers from a hapless WWE staffer. "What is going on, Frank, huh?!" Sadly, no amount of acting could make this moment seem sincere. It just felt so forced. Sometimes the fourth wall is there for a reason.


Private investigator and writer based in Vancouver, Canada. Fond of history, professional wrestling, and rock hubris. Once co-directed a Star Trek fan film with a budget of less than $200.