10 Times WWE Was Legitimately The COOLEST Place On Planet Earth

6. TLC Steals The Greatest Show Of Shows

Bad Bunny Crossbody Backlash 2023

Watching folks tumble off a ladder and crash through some wood below may be as commonplace as a chair-shot to the back nowadays, but there was a time when this sort of insanity was about as cutting-edge as it gets.

The likes of Edge & Christian, The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz had already shown off their ability to innovatively murder one another with ladders and other weaponry they could get their hands on at the likes of WrestleMania 2000 and that year's SummerSlam.

Things were taken to a whole new level of madness and awesomeness on the night of WrestleMania X-Seven, though.

Despite that evening containing the likes of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs. The Rock and The Undertaker vs. Triple H, this bunch of human crash test dummies' ridiculous performances were all anyone could talk about coming out of the massive 'Show of Shows.'

In all honesty, the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs stipulation itself likely peaked here.

Jeff Hardy soaring off the top of a ladder, Edge spearing him out of mid-air, and Bubba-Ray and Matt Hardy sickeningly crashing through a collection of tables all still rank as some of the most extreme and astounding moments of live action ever to explode onto television over two decades later.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...