10 Times WWE Was Legitimately The COOLEST Place On Planet Earth

5. ECW One Night Stand Rebels Against The Establishment

Bad Bunny Crossbody Backlash 2023

In the years that followed the routinely electric period known as the Attitude Era, it's safe to say WWE struggled to really reach those same heights of coolness.

But for one night only back in the summer of 2006, the spirit of ECW helped make the sports entertainment giant once again feel like the hottest company on Planet Earth.

One year on from the first-ever ECW One Night Stand tribute to all things extreme, hardcore icon Rob Van Dam cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase for a WWE Championship match against company face John Cena.

And while it was safe to assume Super Cena wouldn't have too many pals inside of the Hammerstein Ballroom, watching the partisan crowd frothing at the mouth during his entrance set the stage for one of the most gripping main events in WWE history.

WWE's new version of the ECW brand sadly wouldn't be able to consistently replicate this fiery and gripping atmosphere in the years to come. But for a minute there, the great RVD's conquering of WWE's poster boy felt like a moment cool enough to kickstart a glorious new era of extreme mayhem.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...