10 Times WWE Was Literally As Stupid As WCW
5. So Are Supernatural Things Happening, Or...?
In an infamously dire WCW moment, up there with the worst of the very worst, the Warrior appeared in a mirror to spook Hollywood Hogan and convince him that he was losing his mind.
The problem - that these total morons somehow didn't identify - is that Warrior was clearly visible to Hogan and indeed millions upon millions of people watching at home. The only person who could not see Warrior in the mirror was Eric Bischoff, who in the scene had become convinced that Hogan had divorced himself from reality. Hogan of course never stepped foot in our reality - unless he was performing a eulogy for André the Giant, who died mere days after WrestleMania III - but he was actually in the right here. For once.
Similarly infamously dire things happen on WWE RAW every week, but they're not actually infamous because they're so commonplace. Even more commonplace than death-throes era WCW.
Alexa Bliss is undergoing therapy upon her journey back to RAW. In the first segment, in a psychiatrist’s office, she stopped a Newton's cradle dead in its tracks. It was not slowly stopped by air friction. Alexa used telekinesis.
Alexa broke the laws of physics, and the psychiatrist shrugged before telling her that she needed therapy. She obviously doesn't. She has the powers that are rubbished as a delusion.
"Lilly's real, brother!"