10 Times You Forgot Pro Wrestlers Broke Kayfabe On The Air
9. Triple H Stops A Real-Life Attacker From Beating Up His Mother-In-Law

In the Wild West days of the Attitude Era, fans made a nasty habit of trying to get in on the action and step in front of the camera. It just wasn't a wrestling show unless someone hopped the barricade and tried to bum-rush a superstar.
And whenever that happened, all bets were off. If security wasn't fast enough to corral them, wrestlers were given carte blanche to take care of the situation if they felt threatened. And that's exactly what happened when a crazed fan made a run at Linda McMahon during an episode of RAW.
For some context, this was during the height of the McMahon-Helmsley era, when Linda was the only babyface in the entire McMahon family. As such, Triple H was not on her list of favorite people. And in a rare TV appearance, she was about to let him know just that.
But when a rogue fan started running toward Linda, Hunter instinctively ran up the ramp and tackled him to the ground before (presumably) laying into him with some sturdy right hands. The cameraman - along with an obviously terrified Linda - had no idea what the hell was going on, and wasn't quick enough to cut away from the scene. Commentary ignores the situation, as was protocol, but the WWF fans knew what they saw.
And it certainly wasn't part of the storyline.