10 Times You Forgot Pro Wrestlers Broke Kayfabe On The Air
8. Terry Funk Thinks Mick Foley Just Died, Rushes To His Aid
The 1998 Hell in a Cell match between The Undertaker and Mankind is primarily remembered for one thing: The sight of Mick Foley being launched off the top of the cage and torpedoing down onto the announce table while J.R. insisted he was dead and/or had been "broken in half".
That incredibly ballsy stunt gets much of the recognition, and with good reason. Fewer people talk about the second spot, which featured Undertaker chokeslamming Foley through the cage ceiling and onto the mat twenty feet below.
And even fewer people talk about the fact that Terry Funk, who was still knee deep in a feud with Foley at the time, broke kayfabe completely by storming down to the ring with the paramedics to check on his friend, who he'd assumed had just been murdered on live television.
Clad in the kind of street clothes your old, racist uncle wears when he goes to the park to throw rocks at birds, Funk is one of the first guys down the ramp to check on him. J.R. tries to explain it away by saying that even enemies have a bond that transcends near death experiences, but he's too busy wondering if Mick still has a pulse to really sell it.
Funk even upped the ante by engaging in some fisticuffs with The Undertaker later in the match, just to give Foley an extra minute to recover from the heaps of trauma.