10 Title Wins That WWE Refuses To Recognise

7. Michelle McCool (WWE Women’s Title)

Chyna Intercontinental Title

Are you cool? Are you LayCool?

Probably not, but Layla and Michelle McCool were. Back in 2010, the "Flawless" pair claimed to be co-champs for more than one WWE belt, and it all started when Layla won the Women's Championship from Beth Phoenix on the 14 May SmackDown.

Afterwards, LayCool claimed they both had a right to be called champion. WWE's announcers disputed this for a while, then started to come around to the heel duo's way of thinking (before then switching back the other way in time for the title to be retired) and even referred to them as "co-champions" on air.

Officially, WWE don't. Now, when discussing the old Women's Title history, the promotion say that Layla was the final champion in the belt's run. McCool isn't brought into it; the company regard her own February-April 2020 reign as her last.

That didn't stop the team from physically splitting the title in two and preserving their own versions.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.