10 TNA Stars Perfect For WWE NXT Talent Exchange

9. Joe Hendry

TNA Hard To Kill 2024 Moose
TNA Wrestling

Say his name and he appears... in NXT?! They love him in London, and Paris, and Tokyo, so why not Orlando? This writes itself.

Many wrestlers on this list could put on great matches with a multitude of NXT talent, but it's always nice to get more comedy angles going, too. That's especially true for NXT, which is often the silliest of WWE's three flagship programs.

Hendry's theme song has been a major hit recently, proving his gimmick is clearly getting over with more than just the TNA crowd. Imagine how much of a boost that song would receive by exposing his character to the WWE audience who might not be familiar with Joe, but that would easily dig his shtick.

The Scot is the sort of unique talent who could even convince new fans to start watching TNA, as he offers something different to what you find on Raw or SmackDown. This offers up a win-win scenario, where TNA benefits from the exposure, while NXT gets a fresh, funny performer to interact with the likes of Meta-Four, The D'Angelo Family, Chase University, and other more comedic acts.

I believe in Joe Hendry, and NXT would, too.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).