10 TNA Superstars That Failed To Make An Impact In WWE

1. Sting

sting wwe

In the history of sports entertainment, few debuts have been met with the level of anticipation of Sting's. The final big name holdout from the Monday Night Wars, 'The Icon' was the only man to not jump ship to WWE, until at long last he made the overdue transition in 2014.

Between WCW and WWE, Sting positioned himself as the face of TNA Wrestling. As the biggest signing the company had ever made at the time, Sting was a regular part of the main event scene, winning the TNA Championship on four occasions and the NWA Championship once, as well as becoming Tag Team Champion and the worthy first addition to the TNA Hall of Fame. All in all, a pretty decent decade in Dixieland.

So when 'The Stinger' finally made the leap of faith to WWE, expectations were high for the WCW legend. Sadly, those expectations would prove too high even for 'The Icon' and his subsequent run with Vince McMahon's juggernaut would be hugely disappointing.

A convoluted angle with Triple H led to Sting losing in his debut match at WrestleMania 31. A six month hiatus followed and the next big match of his WWE tenure would result in a career ending injury. Hardly the dream run for one of wrestling's biggest names.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!