10 TNA Superstars That Failed To Make An Impact In WWE

7. Frankie Kazarian

sting wwe
IMPACT Wrestling

As part of TNA's X Division, Frankie Kazarian was a notable component of the "no-limits" weight class from 2003 to 2005. Not only was Kaz a part of the very first Ultimate X match, he also went on to hold the X Title twice in 2004 and had a notable feud with TNA legend, AJ Styles.

Nevertheless, when WWE came calling in early 2005, Kazarian was happy to go along for the ride. Making his TV debut on Velocity in July, the X Division pioneer was dubbed 'The Future' Frankie Kazarian and assigned to the SmackDown brand's Cruiserweight Division.

Throughout the summer, Kazarian began to rack up victories over fellow Cruiserweight talent. However, a combination of WWE's lack of direction for the Cruiserweight Division and Kaz's own refusal to cut his trademark hair led to his premature departure.

After just four matches on Velocity totalling less than 20 minutes of in-ring action, 'The Future' was history and WWE's newest Cruiserweight was gone within a month of his arrival. Kazarian returned to the independent circuit and resurfaced in TNA a year later. He would go on to great success in TNA and remained with company until May 2014.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!