10 Topics "Crossface" Movie Needs To Address

9. Training In Calgary

Chris Benoit WMXX

Benoit's career began in Calgary after he trained with the Harts at the legendary Dungeon. He soon found himself working with the sport's first family - including Dynamite Kid, who was married to the sister of Bret Hart's first wife, Julie.

In the 1980s, when size was more important than talent in many of the sport's most popular promotions, Benoit couldn't have found a better place to break in. Even though Bret had moved on to WWE by the time Benoit arrived in Calgary, world-class workers like Owen Hart and Dynamite were there. Benoit formed a regular team with Biff Wellington and engaged in a long feud with Johnny Smith.

Benoit's time in Calgary was incredibly formative for him, dictating the kind of wrestler he'd become in the future and the reputation he would always carry. At the same time, though, the issues faced by the Harts - namely, the need to over-perform in order to make up for his lack of size and perceived difficulty connecting with fans - applied to Benoit as well.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013