10 Totally Insane Wrestling Crowd Moments
3. ECW Fans Make It Rain Chairs

The ECW fans were infamous for being rabid, and Paul Heyman encouraged them to make noise with his laser-focused ability to hone in on what is what they wanted but weren't getting from the mainstream outfits.
The Public Enemy ran into the Cactus Jack Vs. Terry Funk Hardcore Heaven '94 main event and rendered it a no-contest. In an innovation that wasn't thought through, Cactus and Funk implored the crowd to assist by throwing in their chairs. They only needed a couple, but every fan in the arena wanted to be the person who helped their heroes, and in an ironic twist, they came perilously close to hurting them. It was an iconic scene that is fondly remembered, and was marketed heavily after the fact - after fans in the residency had been told in no uncertain terms never to repeat the scene.
There was a sobering lesson here; when a wrestler cultivates their legend as none more hardcore, the fans are often too willing to buy into it.
They seemed to throw the chairs in that ring during that specific match under the belief that Cactus and Funk could take it - possibly because they'd promoted themselves in the way they had.