10 Totally Random WWE Royal Rumble Entants

8. Doug Gilbert

Doug Gilbert (far right) is a member of the wrestling's famous Gilbert family. His father Tommy Gilbert was a promoter in the Tennessee area also working as a wrestler and referee for the USWA with Jerry Jarrett. Doug's brother, 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert wrestled all over the United States winning titles in many territories until his death in 1995. Doug, would have a much longer, but more modest wrestling career. His greatest accomplishments in the squared circle include winning the USWA Heavyweight championship 5 times, the ECW tag titles (with brother Eddie) and the IWA heavyweight championship of Japan. In 1996 Doug Gilbert was entrant # 14 in the Royal Rumble match. Gilbert lasted 2 minutes and 59 seconds before being claimed by Vader's path of destruction in the event. Gilbert eliminated zero combatants. The only interesting part of Gilbert's entry was that it was part of the ongoing relationship between McMahon's WWE and Lawler's USWA, in fact, Gilbert was the winner of a USWA Battle Royal to gain entry into the Royal Rumble. This match was Gilbert's only Pay Per View appearance in the WWE. Doug Gilbert continued his career for the USWA and other smaller independent wrestling promotions throughout the mid 90's. Apart from his Royal Rumble appearance, Gilbert is famous for wrestling under the name 'Nightmare Freddie', his father's old Freddy Kreuger inspired gimmick, in Japan's W*NG federation. Gilbert's other main claim to fame was an infamous shoot interview live on Memphis television, breaking kayfabe letting the audience know Brian Cristopher was Jerry Lawler's son, and making other accusations of Jerry Lawler and promoter Randy Hales. Gilbert's appearance is not shocking in that he was a household name in other areas but instead shocking that he somehow made his way into the Rumble match. Gilbert is still active today.

Canadian writer and Beer nerd with a love for all things wrestling and MMA.