10 Totally Unnecessary WWE Gimmick Changes

4. Eddie Guerrero (Latino Heat > Home Wrecker)

Brock Lesnar MMA Cowboy

Tears will fall when reliving something else on the Network: Eddie Guerrero defying the odds to become WWE Champion in 2004. Whether he was beating Brock Lesnar or celebrating amidst confetti at WrestleMania XX, Eddie was having the time of his life as an underdog babyface who made everyone's dreams come true.

Then he started mentally torturing the Mysterio family for a laugh.

In 2005, Guerrero's captivating smile disappeared, and he revealed that he'd "stepped in" to impregnate Rey's wife because the masked flyer couldn't get it up. Or something. This messed with everyone's minds; Eddie had been such a picture of positivity just 12 months earlier. Now, even his lowrider entrance had been ditched.

It certainly didn't add up that WWE thought turning Guerrero from 'Latino Heat' and heart-on-sleeve champion into home-wrecking piece of sh*t would work. Typically, Eddie put his weight behind the change, but it wasn't what people wanted to see.

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Brock Lesnar
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