10 UFC Fighters Who Should Cross Over To WWE

7. Dana White

He isn't a UFC fighter, but he is without doubt the biggest UFC personality. Dana White is a legend, and lives as the next generation of Vince McMahon. He has all the traits that make Vince fantastic, but with a modern cool edge. He has charisma in the bucketloads. Famous for his straight shooting honesty, White is a business man who readily talks to his fans on twitter and drops F-bombs in interviews. He also gives his fans what they want, he is the best promoter of this century, out doing McMahon's efforts and becoming the Pay Per View king. Nobody promoted as actively and effectively as Dana White. Would he ever jump ship to WWE though? Well he has a stake in the UFC, but the Fertitta brothers are the big owners. White has also talked about not wanting to be President forever. If he was to fall out with the Fertitta brothers and sell his stake while UFC is still hot, who knows, maybe WWE would pick him up in a business capacity. He would be huge for the company. He has been way ahead of the WWE in terms of promoting and pay per views, and would undoubtedly give them a boost on the corporate side. In terms of a television character he would be even better, a straight shooting tough boss, he could be the second coming of Vince McMahon. In business he certainly has been.
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WWE Writer

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