10 UFC Fighters Who Should Cross Over To WWE

4. Kimbo Slice

Kimbo Slice Kimbo Slice is now involved in boxing, he didn't find much joy in UFC, but the UFC brought him in for the same reason WWE should - Slice gets ratings. He made his name in viral internet videos as a streetfighter, UFC President Dana White was never keen to bring Slice in as he saw him as a "gimmick fighter". Never the less, White gave Slice a chance on the UFC TV show The Ultimate Fighter, and got great ratings. However, Slice clearly wasn't cut out for MMA. WWE should be bringing Slice in because of the reason White didn't want him - he is a gimmick. McMahon could market Slice as the vicious street fighter, and the fearsome look that Slice possesses is perfect for a WWE superstar. One match that immediately springs to mind would be Kimbo Slice vs Mark Henry, what a fight that would be!
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WWE Writer

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