10 UFC Fighters Who Should Cross Over To WWE

3. Tito Ortiz

Tito Ortiz The Huntington Beach Bad Boy - the original MMA fighter always seen to be perfect for pro wrestling. And indeed, Ortiz has flirted with wrestling. He attended Wrestlemania 19 as a fan, was involved with TNA in the early days and again this year. Ortiz has the look of a pro wrestler, but best of all, he has the charisma. It was the ranting promos and verbal call outs that first made Ortiz a box office attraction. He would batter opponents, win his bout, then pretend to dig a grave in the octagon. Ortiz knew how to sell a feud. Those kind of antics would be well at home in the WWE. And who can forget the Ortiz t shirts? After dispatching his opponent, Ortiz would throw on a t shirt with a slogan goading his victim or calling out his next challenge. It is the kind of promotional act that Vince McMahon would love. Ortiz would be a great heel or a badass face, he flipped off the UFC crowd and would climb the UFC cage to get in the faces of the opposition corner men. Ortiz is wasted working with TNA, he deserves the limelight of a WWE run.
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