10 Ugliest Wrestling Championship Belts
7. WWE U.S. Championship (2004 - 2005)

Fans who hated John Cena's spinner version of the WWE Championship, take note: it could have been worse... and it was. Before Cena ever held a heavyweight title, he was a three-time United States Champion, and during his third reign, he debuted this monstrosity.
The belt was covered in jewels, but where the WWE Title looked expensive, this just looked ugly. The center piece spun, of course, which was the big drawing point for the belt, but perhaps the worst aspect is the fact that "Word Life" and "John Cena" are written across the middle in script. Oh, and don't forget about the little "TM" next to Cena's name. Legal has to cover all its bases.
The title was so unrepentantly hideous that many people remember it being around longer than it actually was - it's entire lifespan was a mere three months. Cena debuted the belt at Armageddon 2004, and when he lost it to Orlando Jordan in March of 2005, Jordan and JBL blew the belt up. Thank you, guys.