10 Ultimate Warrior Moments To Relive On WWE Network

7. The Ultimate Warrior vs Mr Perfect - Singles Match 1991

Screen Shot 2014 04 11 At 11 26 50 The PPV matches are the obvious ones to look for on WWE Network, as the on demand services offers up every PPV match in history, but this one is not from a big card, but rather occurred at a house show taping a few weeks before Wrestlemania VI. By simply using the WWE network's search function and typing in "Ultimate Warrior," you'll see a seemingly random singles match appear amongst the list of all his PPV appearances - the Ultimate Warrior vs Mr Perfect. Though its almost odd at first to see this match included, when you watch the match its easy to see why it is on the network. This is a classic match up with both men at the peak of their career. Mr Perfect's exaggerated selling style made him the perfect opponent to showcase the strength and power of the Ultimate Warrior. Its an exciting match in which the Ultimate Warrior finally ends Mr Perfect's perfect undefeated winning streak!

Pete Thornton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.