10 Ultimate Warrior Moments To Relive On WWE Network

6. The Ultimate Warrior vs "Ravishing" Rick Rude - Summerslam 1989 (IC Title)

The feud between the Ultimate Warrior ad "Ravishing" Rick Rude had become a fixture in 1989's WWF. The two men had been renowned for their impressive physiques and it was determined that they would have a bodybuilding pose off between the two at Royal Rumble event in 1989. During the pose off Rude and manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan brutally attacked Warrior, leading them to have a match at Wrestlemania V for the IC Title. Rick Rude would win that match with an assist from Bobby Heenan to win the Intercontinental Title, and hand Warrior his first loss since entering the WWF. The rematch was set for Summerslam 1989, where the two men would have a match which would be a career highlight for both men. Early in the match, Warrior gained the upper hand by gorilla pressing Rude and dropping him over the top rope all the way to floor, and then followed that up by going outside and hitting Rude with the belt. The match continued and Rude gained the upperhand until "Rowdy" Roddy Piper came to ringside and distracted Rude, allowing Warrior to hit a flurry of moves, including his signature diving shoulder blocks, gorilla press drop, and the big splash to regain his Intercontinental Title and end the lengthy feud with the ravishing one.

Pete Thornton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.