10 Ultimate Wrestling Guilty Pleasures

1. The Undertaker Vs. Goldberg At Super ShowDown

Hulk Hogan Ric Flair

Almost no pairing in wrestling history spelled dream match quite like The Undertaker facing off against Goldberg. Two titans of their respective companies, both in their prime during a true golden age of sports entertainment. Granted, this 2019 matchup at Super ShowDown was 20 years too late, but nobody could've predicted the near-fatal consequences that followed.

After a promising start, the match goes south when Goldberg busts his head open hitting the ring post. From that point on, virtually nothing goes right. Goldberg looks out on his feet, turning an attempted Jackhammer into a shoot brainbuster that just about kills The Deadman. Good thing he's already dead. However, the real pièce de résistance is a botched reverse Tombstone spot that doesn't even belong in a bingo hall, never mind a pay-per-view main event. From there, The Undertaker mercifully puts Goldberg down with the lowest chokeslam ever recorded. Saudi Arabia never knew what hit it.

While a colossal disappointment, there's something so addictive about bearing witness to this abomination. The entire match feels like a metaphor for the looming specter of mortality. It's only a matter of time before death claims all of us. Try as we might, there's no reversing our own tombstone. Maybe that's the real takeaway from all this.

Some dreams are just meant to die. It's a miracle everyone escaped this one alive.


Private investigator and writer based in Vancouver, Canada. Fond of history, professional wrestling, and rock hubris. Once co-directed a Star Trek fan film with a budget of less than $200.