10 Unbelievable Jobs You Won’t Believe WWE Stars Had

10. Kofi Kingston Was An Office Supplies Salesman

Kofi Kingston New Day

Kofi Kingston has been a fun-loving Jamaican and purveyor of sugary cereal in WWE whilst a member of The New Day. One thing he hasn't done however is try to convince fans that they need to buy those handy pencils and paper clips. Yet that's exactly what Kofi did when working for Staples before wrestling full-time.

Colt Cabana chuckled as he listened to Kingston's depressing realisation that selling office supplies for the stationery company may be his career on the Art Of Wrestling podcast. It wouldn't be his lot in life, obviously, but Kofi didn't know that at the time and figured he'd be stuck in office hell forever.

Fast-forward all these years and the New Day stalwart is pushing Booty-O's to the masses, wearing unicorn horns on his head and generally acting like a big kid. He wouldn't have been able to do that had he not traded office life for chasing his dreams.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.