10 Unbelievable Jobs You Won’t Believe WWE Stars Had

7. Kurt Angle Was A Sports Broadcaster

Kurt Angle Raw

Struggling to follow-up on winning a Gold Medal at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, amateur wrestler Kurt Angle appeared in several adverts for pizza chains and other local businesses in his native Pennsylvania. When that celebrity started to fade, he turned his attention to sportscasting as a viable career.

Wrestling companies like ECW and the WWF wanted Angle, but he wasn't keen after witnessing Raven attempt to crucify The Sandman on an ECW card. Distancing himself from the industry, Kurt started working for Pittsburgh's WPGH-TV as a presenter and sports broadcaster instead.

This lasted a year before the McMahon family came calling and Angle couldn't say no to the challenge of turning himself from world-class amateur standout to one of pro wrestling's best. It seems sitting behind a desk analysing sports wasn't enough for the future Raw GM.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.