10 Unbelievable Jobs You Won’t Believe WWE Stars Had

8. Wade Barrett Almost Became A Marine Biologist

wade barrett crown

WWE completely ruined Wade Barrett's fledgling career by putting the dreadful 'King' gimmick on him. In one fell swoop, creative made the Englishman look like a chump, making a mockery of the King Of The Ring tournament in the process. A man of science like Barrett must have been disgusted.

Years before he was forced to wear a silly cape and crown, Wade earned a degree in Marine Biology, whilst working on medical kits for diabetes. He eventually decided to give it all up and chase the life of pro wrestler instead. Things could have been very different for the future 'King'.

On-screen announcers did make reference to Barrett's scientific past occasionally when he appeared, but it was largely ignored in favour of his other pursuit, that being bare-knuckle boxing. Quite the eclectic taste in jobs you have there, Mr. Barrett.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.