10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

1. Kevin Nash Takes A Trip To Hospital With HBK

The group may be healthy and wise nowadays, but it's pretty stunning that 'The Kliq' have all lived to tell the tales of their wild run together in the mid-90's. Quite how the likes of Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels and Sean Waltman are all still alive and well can only be attributed to a minor miracle, such was their penchant for crazy antics during their prime. Joining the crew, which also included Kevin Nash, Triple H was designated as the driver for the gang, mainly because he didn't drink or do drugs. As sober as a judge, Hunter decided to cave into pressure one night and pull into a nearby restaurant, because there were complaints of hunger and needing to use the bathroom coming from the back of the car! Instantly, the group were met with a big squad of police officers, but decided to play it cool. Borderline frothing at the mouth due to chemical intake, Hall and Michaels caught the attention of the cops. Playing it straight, Nash informed them that his friend, Michaels, needed an ambulance, because he was having an epileptic fit. The medics were called, and upon reaching the hospital, the group broke up laughing. Triple H then picked Nash and Shawn up from the medical facility, and they were on their merry way again. All in a day's work! What other wild or notorious road stories do you know? Did you know about any of the ones listed here? Let us know down in the comments section!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.