10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

2. Dr. Death & Rick Steiner Pull Survivors From Car Wreck

A lot of pro wrestlers have been blamed for causing carnage wherever they go, whether that take the form of drinking bars dry and getting into fights, or destroying hotel rooms and racking up huge cleaning bills. Yes, the boys do like to have their fun, and there's a certain amount of ego that comes with being involved in the wrestling business. On occasion, good things can come from wrestlers on the road, and never was that more evident than when 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams and Rick Steiner were innocently driving in their car to make the next town. Working together on-screen as part of The Varsity Club in WCW throughout their respective careers, both guys were shocked to see an upturned vehicle on fire along the road. Pulling over and sprinting to lend a hand, Williams and Steiner ripped the car door clean off, pulling survivors from the wreckage. Even more amazingly, both guys pulled the victims away from the burning vehicle, safely out of range of the impending implosion. There wasn't much made of the story at the time, but it was an incredibly brave thing to do.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.