10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

8. Nobody "Has The Balls" To Fire Haku From WCW

There are so many stories about how tough Haku is that they could fill an entire book, the man was so renowned for his hard-man mentality that everyone was pretty much scared to death of him. On one occasion, he caught wind that Brutus Beefcake had been bad-mouthing him to WWF management, so he ended up storming the showers and choking Beefcake as he washed. Only Hulk Hogan - who was greatly respected by Haku - could talk him down, saving his friend from a sure-fire hospital trip. As if that wasn't enough, there are a plethora of stories related to Haku punching cops, and getting into a number of bar-room scraps. One incident even had him reportedly biting part of a man's nose off during a pub fight! According to Eric Bischoff, when the man was working in WCW as Meng, there were discussions held a few times about releasing him from contract. Unbelievably, nobody wanted to be the one to break the news, surely fearing the physical wrath that would result. Haku must be one of the only guys in wrestling to keep their job because people were legitimately terrified of the consequences if they fired him.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.