10 Unbelievably Awful WWE SummerSlam Matches

5. The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker (SummerSlam 1994)

Oddly enough, for having been one of WWE's longest-running stars, The Undertaker doesn't have a track record of producing excellent matches at SummerSlam. Being fair, there was no chance his bout at SummerSlam 1994 could succeed, especially not following an epic Steel Cage match between Bret and Owen Hart. The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker was a poor choice of headliner. After fans had been thrilled by the Hart brothers, this battle of The Undertaker and his phony counterpart felt contrived. Occasionally, WWE present a match at TV tapings solely for the live crowd, and it usually feels out of place. That was what the main event of the Pay-Per-View felt like at SummerSlam '94, and that's obviously not a good thing. Fans had started leaving by the time the bout marched lazily towards a conclusion. The slow-moving style of the real article was mimicked by the 'Fake' Undertaker, meaning there was nothing of any real note for fans to enjoy. Looking back on the early years of The Undertaker, his matches were often terrible. The character was classic even then, but the action was severely limited.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.