10 Unbelievably Awful WWE SummerSlam Matches

6. Kane vs. The Great Khali (SummerSlam 2009)

Another appearance from The Great Khali, and another from Kane on this list. Both had stunk up the joint at SummerSlam 2007 and 2001 respectively, and were handed the chance to reprieve themselves in 2009. Going in, not an awful lot of people had high hopes for the match, and those fears were proven correct once the action got underway. The bout was the very definition of mid-card filler. WWE clearly felt there was an attraction to the idea of watching a pair of giant guys squaring off. Even on commentary, announcers were instructed to sell the old 'irresistible force meets immovable object' spiel, and the bout could have survived if the action had been satisfactory. To put it bluntly, it wasn't. Not only did the match only go around 5 minutes (which is probably a blessing), there was little for fans to cheer about. Neither man was an especially strong babyface or heel at the time, rendering their collision largely pointless. Khali's manager and storyline brother, Ranjin Singh played a part in the mini-feud, but eve that felt tacked on.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.