10 Most Unbelievably Harsh WWE Releases Ever

8. Jackie And Charlie Haas

Releasing a couple for no good reason would be seen as low by most. Releasing two newly-weds after they'd just returned from their honeymoon would be seen as unforgivable. That's exactly what happened to Charlie Haas and his new wife Jackie in 2005. The two were released along with eighteen other wrestlers as part of mass 'budget cuts' which were required because WWE was looking to bring Brock Lesnar back (didn't happen). Haas was naturally furious that WWE would release him and his wife in this cold way because they wanted to bring in another talent and creative didn't have 'anything' for them. Both sets of income were now gone and their wedding-related happiness was quashed. Most saw this as a low move by WWE and a bad business move since Haas was seen as a great worker who had a lot to offer the company. In an interview with Interactive Wrestling Radio a day after his release Haas, when asked about the release, said 'at least they didn't do it during the wedding or right before the wedding'. Try telling that to CM Punk.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...