10 Most Unbelievably Harsh WWE Releases Ever

7. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio was released from his contract on August 7th this year for 'unprofessional conduct' and while slapping a company employee certainly is that, there is a lot more to this story than WWE would have you believe. The slap in question was directed towards the face of WWE's Manager of Social Media Live Events, Cody Barbierri. Apparently Barbierri made a racist remark about Del Rio and, when word got back to the WWE superstar, he sought an immediate apology. That apology wasn't forthcoming and Barbierri just stood and there and smiled in Del Rio's face. Del Rio responded with a slap and when WWE higher-ups found out they gave Del Rio his marching orders. Yes, slapping an employee is unprofessional and Del Rio has expressed his regret and embarrassment over the incident but will not apologise for standing up for himself and calling someone out on their racism. Del Rio and other roster members have made comments recently that this wasn't the first time that they have heard inappropriately racist remarks in the WWE workplace. Barbierri left WWE on October 23rd. Good riddance.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...