10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

6. PG Wrestling For An Ageing Fanbase

wrestling weddings draw

As long-term wrestling fans come to terms with middle age, they have likewise had to accept that WWE is pulling a Benjamin Button. The product has devolved from an occasionally overboard edgelord teen to an entity requiring Parental Guidance.

WWE’s overwhelming motivation to turn to a PG product was to entice more lucrative sponsors, however, outside factors, such as the Chris Benoit murder-suicide and Linda McMahon’s original senate campaign played a part as well.

Despite Linda McMahon describing the PG strategy as “from the cradle to the grave", the fanbase is keeping The Undertaker company.

The Wreddit Census (2019) showed only 16% of those surveyed had been a fan of wrestling for less than ten years. In 2020, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported:

“The current WWE audience by age looks like this – 22% is between the ages of 2-17, 23% is between the ages of 18-34, 26% is between the ages of 35-49, and 30% is age 50 or older.”

The PG output is not attracting new and younger fans, a demographic that those lucrative sponsors also value. Without change, the company could find itself in a new sponsorship dilemma.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.