10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

7. Wrestlers Don't Understand Pin Dynamics

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Failed pin attempts are a staple of in-ring storytelling. When correctly plotted into a match’s structure it can be a dramatic beat to the bout. The problem is a combination of the overuse of attempts, and that even chancing a pin 90% of the time is illogical.

Any wrestler trained well enough to appear on international TV knows the craft of professional wrestling. Even so, you see twenty-year veterans of the sport hit a Russian leg sweep two minutes into a match and go for a pin. The opponent inevitably kicks out, followed by the unsuccessful pinner stretching their mouth in pantomime shock.

Such ill-timed pins ruin fan immersion and make the wrestler hoping for the win look like a moron. WWE's pre-pandemic schedule was intense, with wrestlers on the road most of the week. They have practised the art of wrestling enough to know what moves are finishers, transitions, fan pleasers, etc.

Though the finisher spamming and kicking out is a highly contested trope, at least it’s believable (in the realm of pro-wrestling) that any of the string of finisher attempts could end the contest.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.