10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

4. Referees Are Immune From Performance Evaluations

wrestling weddings draw

While integral to the behind the scenes work of a wrestling match, sports entertainment referees are shockingly ineffective in their kayfabe officiating role. They are a walking clump of vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited by heels. Additionally, they can be fooled by the same tricks over and over.

Referees are so easily distracted, to an extent it would prove disastrous in any other career. Their attention spans are so brief that if they weren’t independent contractors the company would be paying out for a heap of Ritalin prescriptions.

They often display a lack of ring sense allowing their view to be blocked without question, and frequently don’t bother to observe all the body when a pin is close to the ropes.

The most famous weakness of pro-wrestling refs is their fragility. In real life, if you were persistently and easily knocked out during your working day you would be medically retired. It is implausible that WWE don’t employ out-of-work doormen, who have the brawn to hold their ground, rather than the current crop who bump from a shove. Also, doormen have significant background checks likely to deter anyone with a history of undercutting their company by selling questionable merch...


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.